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Lifetime of Hill Rom Vest

Hi everyone, I am new at this forum and could not find any topic about Hill Rom Vest 105 system which is a crucial part of our daily care. What is the lifetime of this machine? We have been using it since 2017 and nowadays I recognize that machine has lost its vibration power and working noisier than ever. Did you have similar experiences? Thank you for all respnses

  1. I hope you're doing well – welcome to our community. A few of our advocates share their experiences with the Hill-Rom vest in this article in case you're interested in checking it out: Let me know if you're looking for additional information. Take care, Sarah, Team Member

    1. Thank Sarah. I was not able to reach the website recently. I've read the article. However my issue is something different. It seems that we will need technical support for our HillRom machine but in my region (Turkey/Europe) it is very difficult to reach an authorised service. My attempts to reach the company for the matter remained resultless.

      1. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that you're unable to reach them. That must be quite frustrating. Is there someone else you can reach out to about this issue? I hope it gets solved soon. Take care, Sarah, Team Member

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