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My Daily CF Routine

Until last year I had no problem waking up at 7am and getting ready and doing my treatments which takes 1½hr then leave for college which is ½hr away from my home. However, since 3-4 months as I experienced more exacerbations it's been difficult waking up in the morning. So I tend to skip morning lectures or even clinics (med school) because somehow my body needs more time to just wake up and get on with my day (that's the best way I could describe this feeling). I wake up by 9am on weekdays/ between 9 and 10:30am on weekends, nebulization immediately followed by vest then go and wash my face and brush my teeth. Or, I skip that entirely and have my breakfast smoothie and do some assignments or fall asleep again for a bit until it's lunch time. If it's a weekday and I've skipped morning lectures and/or clinics, I then head over to college at 2pm for my lecture and practical until 5pm. I return home and take my bronchodilator nebulization or if I'm wheezing to the point I can't travel, I have a portable ultrasonic nebulizer which I carry everywhere now since I've been struggling with chronic Bronchitis since last yr. I start my night routine at around 8:30 pm which takes 1½hr again approx followed by dinner and then call it a day or stay awake scrolling through my phone if I can't fall asleep until I can.

  1. How are you doing today? I'm so happy to see you pop up and share more about your journey. I'm sure it's not easy experiencing the changes and more exacerbations, but it sounds like you have a pretty solid routine that works for you. Have you noticed on the nights you're not ready to call it a day and you stay up to scroll your phone, do you have a more challenging time falling asleep? Personally, when I do that exact thing, I have a much more difficult time in the mornings. I am trying to incorporate at least 30 minutes of no screen time before bed, and I've been trying to read a book or do some stretching/meditation in hopes it helps (fingers crossed, lol). Looking forward to our next chat! Sending positive vibes your way 😀 -Beth (Team Member)

    1. Yeah any time I stay up late either because I'm unable to fall asleep or since I'm unable to fall asleep I scroll through my phone or have stay up to study because of an exam, it's harder getting up in the mornings because I essentially need at least 7hrs of proper sleep. If there are times I have no problem falling asleep but have disturbed sleep like I might be up coughing or I may be experiencing breathlessness or even anxiety (exams or due to some big incident) I do wake up feeling tired. Not to mention med school does leave one feeling burnt out so I like my peers have weird sleep cycles lol and procrastination issues (we're a messed up bunch😂)

      1. It's a never-ending vicious cycle! I always say I love sleep, but it does not love me back. It sounds like we have similar ways, and I'm sorry about that 😀 Talk soon!! -Beth (Team Member)

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