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The Season of Giving Back – #GivingTuesday

As we enter into the holiday season, and as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized this time is more about giving than receiving. It brings me so much joy to see the faces of those I love light up with thoughtful, impactful, and meaningful gifts.

Now while shopping for those gifts may have already begun months ago for some of us, many people kick the gift-buying season into high gear when Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday come around.

Giving Tuesday, a global generosity movement

However, my favorite day during this time is Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement with one goal in mind: encouraging people to do good. You can do good and help others by donating money, your time, goods, or your voice.

Over the past few years, since I’ve started creating my Breathe Bracelets for CF and become a part of the larger online CF community, I have really started to embrace this special day of giving and the good it can do for the CF community, and the world, as a whole.

Looking for ways to donate to cystic fibrosis?

There are so many great CF organizations that are giving back that you can be a part of for the season of giving. If you’re looking for a gift that gives back on Giving Tuesday (or a place to donate), here’s a few of my personal favorites:

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  • The Rock CF Foundation

    This foundation hosts a half marathon every year for CF and creates some pretty sweet swag that you can buy, while also giving back to a cause that means so much to us all. I am absolutely obsessed with their lung sneaker shirts, for any other runners out there!

  • Sixty Five Apparel

    A clothing brand created by a CFer that donates a portion of every sale to Cystic Fibrosis. Their shirts are by far some of the most creative and well-designed CF awareness shirts I have ever seen.

  • The Vivian Lee Foundation

    A nonprofit organization that I found on Instagram, that has an online store, as well as hosts markets for the benefit of cystic fibrosis. They create a ton of beautiful handmade pieces, like wooden lung necklaces.

  • JWLS

    MVMT watches are all the rage right now. If that style is something you’re looking for, you should check out JWLS watches -- because they look just as stunning AND they give back to CF.

  • AmazonSmile

    This one is so easy! If you do your holiday shopping on Amazon, just do it on AmazonSmile instead, and choose a CF charity to give back to. A small donation is made for every purchase. From what I’ve seen however, it has to be done on a browser, and not on the app.

  • Breathe Bravely

    Founded by a CFer, Breathe Bravely is a non-profit that strives to create a dialogue and build community among those with CF. They created a program called SingSpire that encourages CFers to experience the life-giving power of singing.

There are many other places to give on Giving Tuesday!

Now, I am sure that I am missing a ton of great companies and organizations that give back during the holiday season, but I just wanted to share a few that have caught my attention that you may not have heard of. My hope for this article is for it to serve as a thought-starter for how to get involved in Giving Tuesday and inspire everyone to think about giving back (in whatever way you choose) this holiday season.

To learn more about Giving Tuesday, visit To see how others are giving back, search (#GivingTuesday on Instagram or Facebook).

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