God is MiraclesMy name is Jesse and I'm 29 years old. I am a double Delta508, and I was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age 2 after my sister passed away at... By PandaWolf1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Wife to Man With CFI don't have CF but I'm married to a man with it. He was born with it, he has Delta F508. Thankfully, he's healthier than most but he also doesn't... By hiswife131 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments4 comments
My CF StoryI was not diagnosed until I was 7 years old. So far I have been blessed with a mild case of the disease, only having to be hospitalized once or... By star2b281 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
What I Want People to Know About Cystic FibrosisCystic fibrosis is different for every patient and should be treated based on the patient, not some textbook description of what the disease might be. Lung function can also be... By pisces-eyes3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Welcome to Cystic-Fibrosis.com StoriesAt Cystic-Fibrosis.com, we believe that we are stronger together than we are alone. Living with cystic fibrosis can be a challenge, but the more we share and support one another... By Editorial Team 1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments