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CF Gut

Hi All,

I am 61 years old, diagnosed with CF at age 5 and am 20 years post bilateral lung transplant. I have struggled with my gut my whole life. It was recommended to me to take Heather’s Tummy Fiber-has anyone had success with this product? I was also told the CF’ers whorls maintain a low residue diet and eating 4-5 smaller meals per day? Just wondering what has worked for others? Ty for any insights. Jean

  1. Never heard of it. Ha e you been having trouble with getting enough fiber? Soluble fiber is in beans, apples, berries seeds, and other things. There are different types of fiber. Have you had metamucole? I heard it has 2cups of broccoli worth of fiber. But idk.

    1. Thanks.I have tried Metamucil which only backed me up. I don’t have a lot of fiber in my diet as a lot of the foods high in fiber-I don’t like. The Heather’s tummy fiber which is a pre-biotic designed for people who have IBS seems to be doing the trick so for that I am psyched! Have a great day.

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