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CF relationship

Just need to vent 😭

Well we went out for a meal last nite she did nowt but shout at me carry on n she went out for a fag n staff all came over to me askin if I'm ok do I need help or police I said I'm ok thank you tho and the security wouldn't let her bk in. So she went for a walk sum where and they got sum social worker talking to me which I've never had sum random social worker come to me b4 and they insisted my mum came n picked me up but silly me got dropped bk off at mine and mum walked me in she seemed fine Infront of mum and little did I no she really wasn't she went on for hrs & hrs I tried calming her down but I said it's best we have a break and I packed her stuff up and Xbox and she come charging at me and strangled me again and hit me in head 😞 πŸ—£οΈ

  1. Hi my heart breaks for you. I can't even imagine how difficult this is. You are in a safe space and are always welcome to vent here, however, I just want you to know there are resources to help you. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Jill (Team Member)

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