Ten Ways to Support a Loved One With CFSupporting someone you love with cystic fibrosis is a great way to show how much you care and value their experience living with a chronic illness. Support from friends and...
Managing a Hospital Stay as a CF CaregiverCystic fibrosis, in most instances, requires frequent hospital stays for everything from a “tune-up” to a full-blown lung exacerbation and much more. Often, this demands that a parent is courtside...
The CF Caregiver: An Honest Morning RoutineIt's just about impossible to keep a steady daily routine when you have a baby with cystic fibrosis (or a baby at all, really). Here's what an honest morning routine...
A CF Diagnosis: From One Parent to AnotherGoing back to that Friday afternoon in August 2008 is still difficult for me to do. I was fatigued. I had an 8-day-old baby that wasn't eating or sleeping. I...
A Thank You To All the Moms With Adult CF ChildrenTo All the Moms with Adult CF Children: Present from the very beginning, this is a thank you to all the moms with adult CF children. The ones who faced...
Musical Chest PT for CF, or How I Bond with My SonAlthough not by design, music – singing, really – has played a big role in my relationship with my children. Singing or playing music for children to soothe and connect...
An Interview With My CF Caregiver HusbandOn August 25th, 2017, I walked down the aisle at the top of a mountain to commit to a lifetime with my cystic fibrosis caregiver husband, Kyle. In our handwritten...
Video: Advice To Parents Of Newly Diagnosed Kids With CFIt is not easy to learn that your child has CF. Even though the CF community has come a long way in advancements in treatment and care, having a child...
How to Encourage Your Child with CF to EatWith the holidays quickly approaching, I reminded of some of my favorite seasonal traditions: Making pie crust from my great grandmother’s recipe, icing sugar cookies, building gingerbread houses, and sipping...