My partner has been on Trikafta (the US name), and I noticed a change in mood fairly early on. The biggest change seemed to be that his anxiety was greater, which changed how he reacted in situations. We also noticed an increase in forgetfulness, which adds to the daily frustration. For me personally, knowing that these changes were from the medication and not a personality change made it easier to adjust and remain supportive. There was definitely a rough period in the beginning where it was honestly hard, but I have found ways to be more understanding to what he is feeling and modifying some of my reactions and behaviors to make a happier home life. It did take some work, but for us it was worth it. The benefits that the medication provide him, greatly outweigh the side effects. That may not be the case for everyone, but our experience was it was something we had to work through, and we came out the other side. I wish you all the best, as this is such a difficult situation.