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SmartVest®️ | JAN 20, 2023 | HITE1955 With: ‘ DOUG ‘ INOGEN ONE G5 | IO- 500

What does AnyOne THINK of the SmartVest®️? Or has AnyOne TRIED the SmartVest ®️ ?
Would AnyOne think the SmartVest ®️, would be GREAT for AnyOne with ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, and / or EMPHYSEMA?!?! I, Myself , have CHRONIC BRONCHITIS and EMPHYSEMA!!!!

  1. ThankYou SomeOne

    1. @HITE1955, I have not tried the SmartVest but I know a few people with CF who have. I haven't heard any complaints about it. Do you use an airway clearance vest already? Warmly, Janeil ( Team Member)

    2. Hi! My daughter with CF has not had experience with the Smart Vest but I too have heard positive things from others I know with Chronic Bronchitis. I hope this is of help!

      - Holly (Team Member)

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