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Bronchoscopy--what to expect?

Hi everyone,
I am having a bronchoscopy done to get a better idea of what is happening in my lungs following a CT scan. Have you had one done? What can I expect during and after?

Thanks for your help!

  1. Hi I had one done when I was 12 and one when I was 15. It goes as follows, they set up a date, and you either can stay the night at the hospital before or come in the morning and wait, then after the waiting room they take you to the room where you sign consent and papers allowing them to do it and they take blood pressure and such, if you hate needles ask them to do an IV after surgery, and if you are nervous they give you this awful tasting medicine that calms you down, the first time I had one I asked for it not knowing what it would do to me and as soon as it hit my mouth everything in my mouth went "huhhh" and was almost asleep. Then they get you changed into a gown, and wait on everyone to be ready, then, they get you into a bed, and wheel you back where you'll meet the surgeons and doctors, then you will get a mask placed on you with oxygen which they will then tell you they're going to change it , then you might giggle if your a teenager when you get the gas, then you sleep. In the mean time, they are cleaning your lungs and putting the IV in and watching your monitors and might have you on a vent because that's what they do sometimes. But they are taking pictures and stuff. You'll be asleep. The doctors said I had trouble breathing after surgery or something and I had to be suctioned out. But Thank God And Jesus Christ I was and my twin was ok. Then you'll be wheeled back to the room to rest. Then you'll wake up and have a sore throat and might be a little dizzy but take it easy, you just been through a lot. After you rest and feel better again, you get to go home the same day, if not you can spend one night at the hospital and then go home in the morning. Then you are to rest four about two weeks. Thank God And Jesus Christ for everything forever no matter what. The surgery when I first had it helps so much for about two weeks. Then the coughs came back, but still it helped.

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