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Getting sick

My son has cf and every time the doctors take him off antibiotics he winds up back in the hospital. Has this happened to anyone else? The doctors don’t know why this is happening.

  1. Hey @kelseyandjay87,
    I am so sorry to hear your son is struggling. It must be really difficult to watch him not doing well. I think this type of cycle happens to a lot of people with CF. It definitely was the case for me bouncing from one round of IVs to another. Trikafta helped break the cycle somewhat. Is he eligible to take a modulator at all? Can I ask how old he is?
    Wishing Him Well,
    Janeil Team Member

    1. He is 5 years old.

      1. he is doing well he gets all kinds of new toys when he is in the hospital. They switch him from the vest machine to the volara machine and have put him on an anti-inflammatory for the swelling in his lungs. So he’s doing a lot better. I’m doing better still learning everything.

      2. I'm glad to hear he can at least enjoy all the new toys! That's great! My mom is a respiratory therapist and has said great things about Volara! i am so glad he is doing better. You'll be in my thoughts as I can only imagine how hard it is from one mom to another. Sending so much love! Warmly, Janeil Team Member

    2. kelsey, i have this happen all the time. , my doctors know that my antibiotics are inefective at treating my psuedo that is colonized, but they still put me back on the same ones. it is frustrating. when you are trying to fight off infections and nothing seems to work.

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