Hi so my sons been diagnosed twice now with his liver function ast and alt too high of these new medication (kaftrio) which works brilliants on most people and I’m so thankful for that but it’s not working on him the way we want too. What’s the chances that this third time will work because everything we read about or ask the hospital about they just try and give us positive thoughts and I know that all good and well but tbh I just want to know the truth what’s the chances it’s going work the 3rd time?? and if it doesn’t where do we go from there he’s 2 and half years of cutest thing ever I just want it know the truth from that because all I’m getting is false hope atm and I don’t want that I want to prepare to help my son if Everyway I can do. any little information or anything will help please respond meny thanks Jack and Jorja xx