Hair lossI'm a woman in my 40s with CF. I'm on a modulator. Recently I have started having my hair fall out. It's coming out in clumps and filling out my...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDepressionTrikafta
Things I've Experienced as a CarrierThrough 23 and me I know I am a CF carrier. I know it came from my mother's side. My primary care physician was not aware that carriers could have...Reactions0reactionsComments0 replies
Finding Out I'm A CF CarrierI was diagnosed as a CF carrier about 5 years ago after my son, and daughter-in-law had genetic testing when she became pregnant. They found out that both of them...Reactions0reactionsComments0 replies
I wonder how many people are carriers & only find out after genetic testing during pregnancy?I have had asthma, eczema & allergies from an early age. My brother has asthma & seasonal allergies. My sister was diagnosed with CF only when she was in her...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCarriers
Sweat Test ResultsMy son has went through 3 sweat tests by the age of 2 months..first two didn’t collect enough sweat and the second test came back as <10. Not too sure...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
weight loss15 year old all of sudden started lossing weight never loss weight before weights 153 was weighting 159...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesDiagnosis
EXPLORING CYSTIC FIBROSIS: GASTROINTESTINAL CHALLENGES, MENTAL HEALTH IMPACTS, AND INNOVATIVE TREATMENTS"Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary rather inheritable mess and disturbance that exert influence on several organs. First and foremost the lungs and digestive system gets affected first.It is caused...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesGI SymptomsMental HealthTips & Advice
Best types of digestive enzymesI’m a VF carrier and have pancreatic insufficiency. I haven’t been able to resolve my digestive issues fully with prescription enzymes (tried creon, zenpep and now vital nutrients pancreatic enzymes)...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesGI Symptoms
hiiSo I got cystic fibrosis and I've always wondered:why can't I smell?? I cant smell anything! it really sucks bc people are like: "oh my gosh that steak smells soooo...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTips & AdviceCoping
My breathing and being in painI have alots of trouble breathing some days I have to make myself do a little house work but sometimes I think I'm going in circle and not seem to...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies